Superior Health and Wellness Group, LLC
Superior Health and Wellness Group, LLC
weight loss
Getting Help
We know that it can take a lot to make this step! We are here for you. We understand mental health is more than just taking medication, its hard and it takes work! We will help you identify issues, create balance, and maintain or improve your mental wellness.

Practice Areas
We treat a variety of mental health conditions with psychotherapy and medication management

Depression is a feeling of sadness and unhappiness that lasts for a long time. It can make you feel really down, and it might be hard to feel happy or excited about things you used to enjoy. When someone has depression, they might feel tired a lot and not want to do things they usually like. It's important to talk to someone you trust, like a parent or a teacher, if you're feeling this way. They can help you feel better and get the support you need. Remember, it's okay to ask for help.

Anxiety is a feeling of being really worried or scared about things. It's like having butterflies in your stomach or feeling your heart race fast when you're nervous. Sometimes, you might worry a lot about things that might happen in the future, even if they might not happen. Anxiety can make you feel uncomfortable and make it hard to focus on other things.

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a condition where someone's feelings and emotions can change a lot. People with BPD might feel really happy one moment and then very sad or upset the next. It can be like having strong emotions on a roller coaster ride. Sometimes, they might worry a lot about being left out or not being liked by others. They might also have trouble getting along with friends or family members.

Bipolar Disorder is a condition that can affect how someone feels and acts. People with bipolar disorder might have times when they feel very, very happy and excited. This is called a "manic" phase. During this time, they might have lots of energy and do things quickly. But then, they might also have times when they feel very sad and low. This is called a "depressive" phase. During this time, they might feel like doing nothing and might want to stay in bed all day.

Insomnia is when someone has trouble falling asleep or staying asleep at night. It's like having a hard time getting to dreamland or waking up a lot during the night and not being able to go back to sleep. When we sleep, our bodies and brains rest and get ready for the next day. But when someone has insomnia, they might feel tired and have a hard time concentrating during the day because they didn't get enough sleep at night.

Schizophrenia is a condition that affects the way some people think, feel, and see the world around them. It can make them have unusual thoughts and hear or see things that others don't. Imagine it's like watching a movie in your mind, but the things in the movie might not be real. It can be confusing for the person with schizophrenia because they might believe these things are true even when they're not. Sometimes, people with schizophrenia might find it challenging to talk or show their feel

ADHD stands for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. It's a condition that can make it hard for some people to pay attention or stay focused on things they need to do. They might feel really fidgety or have a lot of energy, making it tough to sit still for a long time.

OCD stands for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. It's a condition that can make some kids or people have certain thoughts or worries that keep coming back over and over again. These thoughts are called "obsessions." To make the worries go away or feel better, some kids might do the same actions or behaviors again and again. These actions are called "compulsions."

PTSD stands for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. It's a condition that some people might experience after going through something very scary or upsetting, like a bad accident or a frightening event. Some people get very scared or upset and have flashbacks and nightmares. If someone has PTSD, they might feel jumpy or on edge, like they're always expecting something bad to happen.